Great Spam Offers
A couple of months ago, a client with a stellar search engine ranking received an email offer for exchanging website links. This was purportedly for the client’s benefit. His email read:

I published a informational site about Health. We’ve got a very strong following, primarily because we only produce informational content, since you also produce a quality site in this category, I’d like to exchange links with you. I get a pretty good amount of visitors to my property, so if I link up to your site you should benefit from a traffic standpoint.
Please take a look at my site when you get a chance — I think you’ll find it to be knowledgeable and useful. If you like what you agree, please link to it — I’ll send you all of my info on your request.
I’ve already linked to you to get the ball rolling. I’ll keep it up a few days until I hear back from you.
Now if she found them in the 31st position, why can I not find them for this term in the first 100? The answer: because they do not show up for that term. We never optimized their website for it. And when I tried to pull the site up this woman sent with the great “informational content”, it was empty.
Google has the following to say about unsolicited search engine optimization (SEO) offers:
I visited your website and noticed that you are not listed in most of the major search engines and directories…”
Reserve the same skepticism for unsolicited email about search engines as you do for “burn fat at night” diet pills or requests to help transfer funds from deposed dictators.
There is no doubt that links exchanged on quality websites can help. In fact, I encourage it. However, links should only be made when content at the linked web site will benefit your customers. There is no sense offering a link to a web site that sends your customer down a road of no value. And you certainly don’t want to invite more spam.
There are some “tricks” that Google and others frown on that try to fool search engines, which only hurt the trickster when caught. We use no search engine tricks. Only good clean coding written under thorough research. We would love to share with you some of the deceptive practices that other businesses use while also demonstrating how we work for your success.
Search engine optimization is an important tool that requires research and meticulous detail in putting a website together. There are times, such as in web hosting, where price can be a determinant in the SEO company you choose. But a decision on SEO should not have its basis in price. It should be based on the results that the website developer has achieved in the past. Come in and let us show you what we have done for our clients before you make your decision.
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